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优秀斑竹奖 特殊贡献奖
头衔:幸福乐园 幸福乐园
级别: 管理员
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本帖被 waterbaby 设置为精华(2008-02-15)
修 行: 中级站友
第1 贴. 发表时间: 05-11-10 09:54 
Secondary legislation on WEEE and RoHS:
Commission ecision 2005/747/EC of 21 October 2005 amending for the purposes of adapting to technical progress the Annex to Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (notified under document number C(2005) 4054).
修 行: 中级站友
第2 贴. 发表时间: 06-06-09 01:41
中国家用电器协会综合业务部 王海涛
  2. 在指令附件第9点中增加9a条款:聚合使用的DecaBDE(一种阻燃剂)。
  3. 在指令附件第9点中增加9b条款: 铅青铜轴瓦和轴承套(lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes)。
1. 指令附件第7点中部分文字被替代:
2. 指令附件第8点被下文替代:
  ——电触点(electrical contact)中的镉及其化合物、电镀镉,但不包括第91/338/EEC号指令中规定禁止使用的镉用途,该指令是是根据76/769/EEC关于限制交易和使用某些有害物质和试剂指令修订的。原文为:除了91/338/EEC指令中规定禁用镉的条款外的镀镉。该指令是根据76/769/EEC关于限制交易和使用某些有害物质和试剂指令修订的。
  ——铅可以在连接器系统顺应针中的应用(compliant pin connector systems)。
  —热导项枪钉模组(thermal conduction module c-ring)涂层中可以含有铅。
  ——集成电路板叩焊晶片 (integrated circuit Flip Chip package)中半导体管芯(pins)和载流管(carriers)连接时可使用有铅焊料。
  以上豁免内容里基本没有与白色家电直接相关的项目。但无论怎样,有一点值得关注: 根据RoHS指令的第5(1)条,对附录中的每个豁免项至少每4年要评价一次;豁免清单中增加的每一个条目,4年后都必须评估一次。主要的目的是审查使用豁免物质的电子电器设备材料和部件能否通过改进设计或者开发新技术、新材料找到替代技术和替代物质,当然前提条件是替代技术或替代物质不会给环境、健康或消费者安全构成更大的威胁。另外这两个豁免决议都只是对有毒物质的某些用途给出豁免,目的也是在电子电器设备中逐步替代这些有毒物质。因此电子电器制造商以及原材料和零部件供应商不能因此就可以高枕无忧,还要不断加大开发力度,寻找替代产品,抢得市场先机。
修 行: 中级站友
第3 贴. 发表时间: 06-06-20 07:30
1. 大型家用电器;
2. 小型家用电器;
3. IT和通讯设备;
4. 消费类电子电器设备;
5. 照明设备 (包括家用灯泡和照明设施) ;
6. 电子电气工具(大型固定工业工具除外);
7. 玩具、休闲和运动设备;
8. 自动售货机;
1. 对于今后是否将WEEE清单的第8、9类的医疗器械和测量仪器纳入ROHS管理范围仍待继续讨论。
2. 上述每大类产品又进一步细分为更多的小类产品,详情可参考WEEE指令附件1B中的产品清单。
1. 大型家用电器类产品 :电冰箱、冷柜、洗衣机、空气调节器等
2. 小型家用电器类产品:微波炉、电烤箱、电咖啡壶、电热水壶、面包机、多士炉、饮水机、电炸锅、电磁炉、电热水器、电动毛发推剪、电发钳等
3. 电子设备类:收录音机、CVD、DVD、组合音响、汽车音响、有源音箱、电视机、显示器、监视和控制器等
4. IT和通讯类产品:电话机、传真机、手机等
5. 照明设备类:台灯、落地灯、吊灯、射灯、嵌入试灯具、灯串、节能灯、电子整流器、光管支架等
6. 电子和电气工具类:手提电钻、电锯、电动螺丝刀等
1. 第一批豁免清单包括了9种产品中的相关物质:
① 小型荧光灯的汞,每个灯汞含量不超过5毫克;
② 通用的直的荧光灯中的汞(对于汞盐含量有相应的限制规定);
③ 特殊用途的直的荧光灯中的汞;
④ 其他灯中的汞;
⑤ 阴极射线管、电子元器件和荧光管中的铅;
⑥ 合金中的铅,在钢基中的重量百分比不超过0.35%,在铝基中重量百分比不超过0.4% ,在铜基中重量百分比不超过4%。
⑦ 高熔点型焊料中的铅(如包含超过85%的铅的锡-铅合金焊料);服务器、存储器和存取阵列系统的焊料中的铅(豁免期到2010年);用于网络开关、信号传输以及通信网络管理设备的焊料里的铅;在电子陶瓷元件(如压电元件)中的铅。
⑧ 除有关指令(91/338/EEC和76/769/EEC)禁止应用以外的镉镀层;
⑨ 在吸收式电冰箱防腐蚀用的碳钢冷却系统中的六价铬。
1. 上述限量来自2003年12月欧盟的一次会议,目前已经被国际上广泛采纳。但由于尚未成为欧盟最终的法规条文,该限量仍存在变动可能。
2. 对于受控有害物质的种类,欧盟一直进行相关的研究,在今后很可能继续增加受控物质的种类
1. 铅(Pb)
① 塑料稳定剂、橡胶固化剂及配合剂;
② 焊接、涂蜡材料、电气连接;
③ 电池原料;
④ 颜料、涂料、墨水、染料的原料;
⑤ 电镀液;
⑥ 润滑剂、硬化剂、油漆的干燥剂;
⑦ 陶瓷部件;
⑧ 光学玻璃;
① 包装材料 ;
② 印刷电路板;
③ 电池和电池组;
④ 部件的电极、引导端子;
⑤ 涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;
⑥ 各种合金;
⑦ 电子陶瓷部件;
⑧ 各种玻璃材料,包括电阻体、粘合剂、玻璃料、密封材等;
2. 镉(Cd)
① 塑料的稳定剂;
② 化学合成材料;
③ 电池、相片;
④ 表面处理、连接材料;
⑤ 油漆、颜料、墨水、着色剂;
⑥ 低熔点焊接、保险丝;
⑦ 电镀液的稳定剂、电镀光泽剂;
① 包装材料;
② 塑胶部件;
③ 电池和电池组;
④ 部件的电极、引导端子;
⑤ 涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;
⑥ 各种合金部件;
⑦ 电子陶瓷部件;
⑧ 各种玻璃材料,包括电阻体、粘合剂、玻璃料、密封材等;
3. 汞(Hg)
汞及其化合物的主要用途:① 防腐剂、催化剂、防霉剂、杀菌剂;② 金属蚀刻;③ 电池;④ 颜料;⑤ 电极、水银灯;
可能含有汞的材料:① 包装材料;② 印刷电路板;③ 电池和电池组;④ 涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;⑤ 日光灯;
4. 六价铬(Cr6+)
六价铬化合物的主要用途:① 催化剂、防腐剂;② 陶瓷用着色剂;③ 电池;④ 电镀液、防锈剂;⑤ 涂料、颜料、墨水;⑥ 鞣皮;
可能含有六价铬的材料:① 包装材料、外壳;② 印刷电路板;③ 电池和电池组;④ 电镀防锈处理的部件;⑤ 涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;⑥ 皮革部件;
5. 阻燃剂(PBB、PBDE)
① 塑胶产品部件:各种聚合物材料,如PE、ABS、HIPS、LDPE、聚酯,电器塑料外壳,电线电缆,开关等;② 印刷电路板;

1. 电子元件:电阻、电容、集成电路、PCB板、二极管;
2. 塑胶件:外壳、风扇页、连接器、套管、插头、旋钮、温控器、开关的外壳;
3. 金属件:导线、外壳、马达壳、弹簧、漆包线、焊锡、螺钉、触片;


1. 虽然,ROHS指令把责任归在整机制造商,并未对元器和材料制造商提出要求。但对于整机制造来说,对原材料和元器件的确认和追溯是控制产品中有害物质的一个关键问题,因此,整机制造商会要求原材料和元器件制造商提供检测报告或证书。
2. 与欧盟其他的指令不同的是,通过几个测试去验证整机产品是否符合ROHS指令是近乎不可能的,最合理的做法是从原材料和元器件供应商处取得材料的检测数据,然后转换为产品的符合性声明。但是,整机制造商还需要去判断材料供应商的检测数据是否可靠,可以通过下述途径判断:调查出具检测数据的实验室声誉;随机抽样自行送检。
3. 多数情况下,对于所有六种有害物质的测试是不必要的,其检测成本也非常高昂。因此,必须咨询专业机构,以确定哪些部件需要进行哪几娄有类有害物质的检测。如对集成电路块中的静电涂层公限于铅的测试,因为锡/铅是使用在这种涂层的最普遍的材料。相对来说,镉和六价铬是较难在这里被发现的,而汞、多溴二苯醚和多溴联苯的存在更是不可能。
4. 可能需要修改您的质量体系文件,增加相应的内容。
5. 产品一致性总是有一定限度的,送检样品的有害物质含量如果接近限值,将不能保证您所有的产品均符合要求。
修 行: 中级站友
第4 贴. 发表时间: 06-06-20 07:48
Applications of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, which are exempted from the requirements of Article 4(1) ~­/%}U^hIs
1. Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per lamp.
2. Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes not exceeding:
— halophosphate 10 mg
— triphosphate with normal lifetime 5 mg
— triphosphate with long lifetime 8 mg.
3. Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes. ;
4. Mercury in other lamps not specifically mentioned in this Annex.
5. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components and fluorescent tubes.
6. Lead as an alloying element in steel containing up to 0,35 % lead by weight, aluminium containing up to 0,4 % lead by weight and as a copper alloy containing up to 4 % lead by weight.
7. — Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. tin-lead solder alloys containing more than 85 % lead),
— lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems (exemption granted until 2010),
— lead in solders for network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling, transmission as well as network
management for telecommunication,
— lead in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectronic devices).
8. Cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC (1) amending Directive 76/769/EEC (2) u
relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations.
9. Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators.
10. Within the procedure referred to in Article 7(2), the Commission shall evaluate the applications for: — Deca BDE,
— mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes,
— lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunications (with a view to setting a specific time limit for this exemption), and im
— light bulbs,
as a matter of priority in order to establish as soon as possible whether these items are to be amended accordingly.
  - 盐磷酸盐 10毫克
  - 正常的三磷酸盐 5毫克
  - 长效的三磷酸盐 8毫克
4.本附录中未特别提及的其它照明灯中的汞含量; _
7.-- 高温融化的焊料中的铅(即:锡铅焊料合金中铅含量超过85%);
 -- 用于服务器、存储器和存储系统的焊料中的铅(豁免准予至2010年);
 -- 用于交换、信号和传输,以及电信网络管理的网络基础设施设备中焊料中的铅;
 -- 电子陶瓷产品中的铅(例如:高压电子装置);
8.根据修改关于限制特定危险物质和预制品销售和使用的第76/769/EEC 号指令的第91/338/EEC 号指令禁止以外的镉电镀。
 -- 台卡二苯醚(Deca BDE);
 -- 特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞;
 -- 以下用途中所使用的焊料中的铅:服务器、存储器、用于交换和传输的网络基础设施、电信网络管理设备(旨在设定本指令豁免部分的特定截止时间);
 -- 灯泡。
第二批已经确认豁免 发表在2005年10月15日官方杂志上
The Annex to Directive 2002/95/EC is amended as follows:
1. The title is replaced by the following:
‘Applications of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) which are exempted from the requirements of Article 4(1)’;
2. The following point 9a is added:
‘9a. DecaBDE in polymeric applications;’
3. The following point 9b is added:
‘9b. Lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes’.

1. 标题由下列内容取代:
2. 在第9条中加入
3. 在第9条中加入9b
第三批已经确认豁免 发表在2005年10月25日官方杂志上
1. point 7 is replaced by the following:
— Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. lead-based alloys containing 85 % by weight or more lead),
— lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching,
signalling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunications,
— lead in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectronic devices).
2. point 8 is replaced by the following:
Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts and cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC (*) amending Directive 76/769/EEC (**) relating to restrictions on the marketing and use ofcertain dangerous substances and preparations.
3. the following points are added:
(11). Lead used in compliant pin connector systems. _
(12). Lead as a coating material for the thermal conduction module c-ring.
(13). Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass.
(14). Lead in solders consisting of more than two elements for the connection between the pins and the package of microprocessors with a lead content of more than 80 % and less than 85 % by weight.
(15). Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit Flip Chip packages.’
1. 原文第7条由以下内容取代
电子陶瓷部件中的铅(如:piezoelectronic devices)
2. 原文第8条由以下内容取代
3. 以下条款将被添加
RoHS:进一步豁免 2004年12月提交相关方咨询2月11日止(正在审议中):
A further 22 proposed exemptions are under a Commission consultation, which closes on 11 February 2005:
1.Lead in tin whisker resistant coatings for fine pitch (<0.65 mm) applications (e.g. connectors).
2.Lead bound in glass, crystal glass, lead crystal or full lead crystal in general.
3.Chromium (VI) and cadmium as colouring agents (up to 2 % content) in glass, crystal glass, lead crystal or full lead crystal for decorative and/or functional use.
4.Solders containing lead and/or cadmium for specific applications.
5.Hexavalent chromium anti-corrosion coatings.
6.Lead oxide glass in plasma display panels.
7.Lead in connectors, flexible printed circuits, flexible flat cables.
8.Lead glass used for magnetic heads (e.g. VCRs).
9.Cadmium as a doping material in avalanche photodiodes (APDs) for optical fibre communications.
10.Lead in optical isolators.
11.Lead glass seals in the sheath heater of microwaves. [1]
12.Cadmium pigments (except for those banned by the Cadmium Directive 91/338/EEC.
13.Lead halide (iodide) as a radiant agent in high intensity discharge (HID) lamps for professional UV applications (e.g. lamps used for curing, reprography and label printing). [1]
14.Lead activators in the phosphors used for specialised straight and compact fluorescent lamps (e.g. lamps for sun tanning, diazo-printing, reprography, lithography, insect traps).
15.Lead as an amalgam in discharge lamps (e.g. small compact energy-saving fluorescent lamps).
16.Lead in glass solder used for mercury-free flat panel lamps.
17.Lead in the glass envelope of Black Light Blue (BLB) UV lamps (BLB lamps are used for money checking, leak detection, disco lighting etc).
18.Lead in low melting point alloys (e.g. second soldering operations on a printed circuit board (PCB) and safety and other temperature dependant switching devices.
19.Lead in galvanised steel (up to 0.35% lead) and aluminium (up to 0.4 % unintended lead).
20.Lead in solder and hexavalent chromium in surface treatments in parts recovered from non-household printers & copying equipment which were originally placed on the market before 1 July 2006, and are reused as part of the original equipment manufacturer’s closed loop system until 1 July 2011.
21.Cadmium sulphide photocells.
22.Light sensors which mimic the human eye, such as daylight-responsive dimming systems for lighting.
23.Aeronautic and aerospace sector applications that require high safety standards for any of the RoHS restricted substances. (Clarifying that EEE in these sectors is exempt from the RoHS Directive. Such EEE is excluded from the WEEE by falling outside the 10 WEEE categories.
1. 小螺距应用中在抗锡须涂料中的铅
2. 玻璃、晶体玻璃、铅晶体或全铅晶体中的铅
3. 在玻璃、晶体玻璃、铅晶体或全铅晶体中作为着色添加剂且含量达到2%的铬(也包括六价铬)和镉,这些玻璃等作为电子电气设备的装饰性和/或功能性的一部分
4. 特殊用途的焊料,含铅和/或镉
5. 六价铬钝化涂膜
6. 氧化铅玻璃等离子显示板中的铅
7. 连接器、柔性印刷电路、柔性扁平电缆中的铅
8. 铅化玻璃、磁头的粘接材料及磁头中的氧化铅
9. 光纤通讯系统用雪崩二极管中作为搀杂材料的镉
10. 光隔离器中的铅
11. 微波铠装加热器中的铅
12. 镉颜料,除91/338/EEC指令(修订76/769/EEC关于限制某些物质的销售和使用指令)禁止的应用外
13. 专业紫外线应用中的高强度放电灯,含有卤化铅作为辐射剂
14. 特殊用途的放电灯, 在荧光粉中含有铅(重量比1%或以下)作为激活剂
15. 放电灯,以汞齐剂形式含有铅
16. 平板灯中的汞
17. 特殊用途紫外线灯,有玻璃外壳中含铅
18. 含铅的低熔点合金
19. 电子电气设备中的电镀钢含铅(重量比)达到0.35%,以及铝作为杂质的铅含量达0.4%。
20. 焊料中的铅和表面处理中的六价铬,以及在从打印机和复印设备中回收的部件中的铅和六价铬。这些部件是从专业用户而不是私人家庭收回的,且是2006年7月1日前投放市场的,在原始制造商的闭环系统内作为相同目的重新使用的。在这里,闭环系统是指,在该系统内设备仍是制造商的财产,或者经受其它的合同安排,且在合同到期或设备寿命终结时被返回给制造商。直到2011年7月1日。
21. 硫化镉光电池
22. 应用在模拟假眼睛中的光感应元件。
23. 用在需要较高安全标准的航天和航空行业的电子电气设备中的铅、汞、镉、六价铬、PBB和PBDE.

RoHS:进一步豁免 (正在审议中):
1 Linear incandescent lamp.
2 Mercury in switches.
3 Special ICs having tin-lead solder plating on leads used in professional equipment.
4 Specific modular units including tin-lead solder being used in special professional equipment.
5 Solders containing lead and /or cadmium for specific applications where local temperature is higher than 150 deg C and which need to work properly more than 500 hours.
6 Lead in solder for printed circuit boards for emergency lighting products.
7 Hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI) in chromate conversion coatings as surface treatment.
8 Lead in gas sensors.
9 Concerning of PbO (Lead in Seal Frit) used for making BLU (Back Light Unit) lamps in LCD TVs.
10 Cadmium in opto-electronic components. 
11 Non-consumer mechanical power transmission systems including speed reducers and mechanical couplings which rely on electrical/electronic components for safe control and operation.
12 Electrical and electronic components contained in heating ventilating and air conditioning building systems, commercial refrigeration systems and transport refrigeration systems.
13 Cadmium-bearing copper alloys. r5
14 Electrical/electronic components contained mobile and stationary air compressors and vacuum systems, compressed air contaminant removal systems and pneumatic contractor’s air tools.
15 Electrical/electronic equipment that are: used in transport -aviation, aerospace, road, maritime, rail; installed in to the fabric of buildings – elevators, escalators, moving walks, dumb waiters, and heating, cooling and ventilation systems, and fire and security systems; used in the energy generation and transmission; used in mining and mineral processing; used for non-consumer mechanical power transmission systems; industrial process pumps and compressors; used in industrial refrigeration; and used in military applications.
16 Lead alloys as electrical/mechanical solder for transducers used in high-powered professional and
commercial loudspeakers.
17 Cadmium oxide.
18 Solder tin of the thermo fuse with a defined low melting point.
19 Lead in lead oxide glass used in plasma display panel (PDP).
20 Lead in solder on small PCB and tinned legs of primary components.
21 Use of the not lead free component NEC V25 in the Memor 2000. C
22 Lead used in shielding of radiation for Non Medical X-ray equipment.
23 Lead based solders sealed or captured within heat-shrinkable components and devices.

4. 含有锡铅焊料的特殊模块单元
5. 含有铅和/或镉的焊料,应用在温度高于150摄氏度需要持续工作500小时的特殊设备中
顶端 Posted: 2008-02-14 20:56 | [楼 主]
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